Webinar: Office 365 Experience, Branding, and Navigation


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Join Microsoft SharePoint MVP Peter Carson for the third session of the Envision IT Office 365 Webinar Series. This series starts with a tour of the Office 365 suite and its security features that make you not only more productive in the cloud, but also more secure. Next up we take you through building an Information Architecture for your organization, and discuss the migration path to the cloud. Our third session covers user experience (including smartphone and tablets), branding, and navigation.

Office 365

Branding of Office 365 has been a hot topic in the MVP community over the last few years. While clients often want their unique brand applied to their sites, Microsoft has argued that doing so may break future features, or the sites themselves. Microsoft has become very Agile in Office 365, releasing new features on a monthly basis or more.

During this session we'll cover some of the different ways to apply your corporate brand across Office 365, while minimizing the impact of those changes. This not only makes it faster and cheaper to apply, but reduces the risk of problems as Microsoft continues to update Office 365. Here are some of the options we'll cover. While the options look technical, we'll keep it at a business focus.

  • Office 365 Themes
  • SharePoint Themes
  • Alternate CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)
  • JavaScript injection
  • Custom master pages

In our mind, navigation goes hand in hand with site branding and experience. How you navigate through Office 365 is key to adoption. We'll show you how you can add your own corporate resources to the Office 365 App Launcher menu, and how to provide a consistent navigation across all of your SharePoint sites.

Want more Office 365?

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