Board Portals
Still assembling your meeting packages and sending to members through email? We should talk!
Board of Directors and Committees are structured differently from organization to organization. Typically, a board has representation from both internal and external members. With this comes the responsibility to provide a streamlined process for administrators to compile meeting agendas, create associated packages, and deliver those packages to the members. Our approach is to set up structure in SharePoint Online and/or Teams in a way that provides end-to-end board management all within the Microsoft 365 suite.
The services we offer when building board portals include:
- Board portal requirements gathering
- Board portal information architecture
- Board portal solution recommendation
- Microsoft 365 out-of-the-box and Extranet Documents
The immediate benefits of implementing a board portal include:
- Substantial cost savings in printing and distributing regular board meeting packages
- Information is accessible to members as it becomes available
- Access to confidential data and important resources is available to members in one place
- Significantly reduced risk of sensitive printed material or emailed communications falling into the wrong hands
Our sister company, Extranet User Manager (EUM), has configured the EUM Platform for the Boards and Committees Use Case, optimizing it for professional colleges, associations, governing bodies, and other organizations.
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