With the rapid adoption of Microsoft Teams, and Microsoft’s vision of the Modern Workplace, it is important to plan out how to organize your content. We call this the Information Architecture. Even if your organization isn’t ready to adopt Microsoft Teams, it makes sense to align with Microsoft’s vision. This way, when you do start to leverage more of Microsoft 365, you are not faced with yet another migration to align with their vision.
With an understanding of the content to be migrated, planning with the organization needs to happen to define this new Information Architecture. Some questions to be answered are:
- What does a Team represent to your organization? Is it departments, projects, committees, or clients?
- Within each Team, how will Channels be structured?
- Channels have folders for documents; do the documents identified for migration have a target folder that makes sense?
- Are there workflows or metadata around these documents that need to be built or migrated?
- Are there document retention policies or sensitivity labelling that need to be migrated or applied?
Another part of the planning is determining how the Information Architecture will be implemented. Things to consider are:
- Are there organizational templates that should be created or used?
How will Teams and Sites be created, and templates applied?
- Manually
- Orchestry
- Envision IT’s open-source Teams Provisioning
Once the Information Architecture is finalized and approved, the inventory analysis needs to be updated to record the new location where the content will be migrated.
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