Webinar: SharePoint Framework Technical Breakdown
At the beginning of October Envision IT held a webinar introducing the new SharePoint Framework. If you attended that session, then you know how excited we are about this new direction for the SharePoint Framework. Take a look at the recording here, as it is the first part to this webinar series. In that previous session, we focused on the background leading up to the SharePoint Framework, and an overview of the tooling involved. In this next session, we'll go much deeper into the details, as well as the supporting topics such as WebAPIs and Azure AD application security.
The Microsoft talks at the Ignite 2016 conference had a lot of great content about the SharePoint Framework. What Microsoft didn't focus on is how you integrate that great client-side development experience securely into back-end systems - Office 365 or otherwise. That will be much of the focus for this session.
Here are the highlights we will be covering:
- A deeper look into a real example of a new SharePoint Framework web part to roll up content such as News or Events in an Intranet site
- A simple form submission example that first submits directly to a SharePoint list
- Discussion of scenarios where running your business logic in client-side script is not a good idea
- Building an ASP.NET WebAPI project to securely manage your business logic and resources that the user can't access themselves directly in SharePoint Online
- Connecting the SPFx web part to the WebAPI
- Publishing your WebAPI to Azure and securing it through Azure AD
- Connecting this all together with SPFx, WebAPI, Azure Web Apps, CDN, Azure AD, and Office 365
Some of the technical topics we'll be covering include:
- Node.js, Gulp, Typescript, and Visual Studio Code to build your SPFx web part
- Visual Studio WebAPI projects for building your own REST APIs
- Swagger and Swashbuckler open source tooling for documenting your APIs
- Office 365 CDNs to distribute your resources
- Azure Web Apps to host your API
- Azure AD to authenticate it all
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