Integrating your Line of Business Systems with Microsoft 365

Integrating your line of business systems with Microsoft 365 graphic

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Every organization makes strategic decisions surrounding the line of business systems they use during their everyday business. For some this may be a custom solution that was built in-house, while for others it may be a cloud hosted product. Making decisions surrounding which software to purchase can be challenging for organizations today as there are a lot of options available to them. Some bare minimum systems can include:

  • Accounting software
    • Payroll
    • Taxes
    • Bookkeeping
  • Time tracking software
  • Project management software
  • Customer relationship management software
  • Communication software
  • Website software
  • Sales, marketing, and public relations software
  • Payment transaction software

Considering not all systems are built to play well together, it's important to plan enterprise integrations between the line of business systems. We typically see organizations with many types of systems that are decoupled from Microsoft 365, which is really where the organization is doing the bulk of their work. Our motivation is to see organizations further their investment in Microsoft 365 by better integrating it into these crucial line of business systems.

In this webinar we will review:

  • Enterprise Systems Assessment
  • Building out a Modern Solution Architecture
  • Developing a phased road-map
  • Using Azure Logic Apps to build integrations
  • Real world customer samples of enterprise integrations

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