Envision IT President Speaking at TSPUG as part of Microsoft Ignite 2016 MVP Panel

Toronto, ON

Peter Carson, President of Envision IT, will be speaking at the October 19 meeting of the Toronto SharePoint Users Group. The Toronto SharePoint Users Group (TSPUG) launched in 2006 to support the SharePoint community in southern Ontario. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month at MNP (111 Richmond West, Third Floor) in downtown Toronto. Each meeting features a catered social, Q&A, and a featured presentation. All are welcome to attend this free event.​

Session​ Details

Microsoft Ignite is running September 26-30 in Atlanta Georgia. If you haven't registered yet, unfortunately the event is now sold out. This is Microsoft's amalgamation of the SharePoint Conference with Exchange, Lync, and many of their other tech conferences - now in it's second annual incarnation.

Most of the local Microsoft MVPs will be attending, and some will be speaking at the event. The idea for the session is to present some highlights from the conference. All Ignite sessions will be recorded and available, and the TSPUG meeting will be a guide on what to watch out of the many hundreds of hours of sessions.​​​

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