TSPUG Microsoft Ignite 2019 Panel Discussion

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Wednesday November 20, 2019 


Event Website

The Toronto SharePoint Users Group (TSPUG) will be having a panel discussion focused on the Microsoft Ignite Conference that recently took place in Orlando. During the panel discussion, the following featured speakers will be covering news and announcements that came out of the conference that you perhaps missed or misunderstood. This will be an open discussion forum and will be open for questions and discussions, so it will be a great opportunity to ask questions on aspects of the conference you missed or topics you will like to get further details on. 

  • Peter Carson
  • Eli Robillard
  • John White
  • Kanwal Khipple
  • Amit Vasu

TSPUG launched in 2006 to support the SharePoint community in southern Ontario. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month at Microsoft's downtown office. Each meeting features a catered social, Q&A, and a featured presentation. All are welcome to this free event!

Schedule for the TSPUG Ignite Panel Discussion:
  • 6:00pm – Pizza and social 
  • 6:30pm Introductions and Q&A 
  • 7:00pm – Feature Presentation 
  • 8:30pm – Prizes and closing