SharePoint Summit 2013

Toronto, ON

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The seventh annual SharePoint Summit provides a unique world-class environment for decision makers, influential professionals and other SharePoint users. Year after year, it attracts the leading SharePoint experts, specialized high technology companies, and companies and professionals active in a wide range of business sectors. The 2013 edition of the conference promises to be the most exciting yet, not least because it follows a key event that only happens every three years: Microsoft’s release of a new SharePoint platform. That means the conference will be an exceptional opportunity to learn about new features and other improvements in SharePoint 2013, presented by the conference’s guest experts.

Envision IT is excited to announce that our President, Peter Carson, will be one of the featured speakers at the conference. Peter will be presenting a session on Web Content Management in SharePoint 2013. In this session, Peter explores what's new for SharePoint 2013 as it applies to Web Content Management. He will also share the details and experiences of several SharePoint 2013 public website case studies.

Topics will include:

  • Design Manager - Build and manage your branding with any web design tool
  • Channels - Tailor your content to the device or browser
  • Managed Navigation
  • Customizing search with HTML display templates
  • The new Content Search Web Part
  • Image Renditions - Manage your web-friendly images through the browser
  • Video Renditions – Support multiple video formats and thumbnails in the new Video document set
  • Cross-Site Publishing - Share your content between Intranet and public websites
  • SEO and Analytics Enhancements
  • Improved content author user experience

The case studies featured are all running on SharePoint 2013 as either live sites or POCs:


This session will be delivered on Day 2 of the conference: Tuesday, May 14 from 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM.

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