SharePoint Fest 2017 in Washington

Washington, D.C.

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​At SharePoint Fest you’ll be able to attend technical classes and workshops – taught by Microsoft Certified Trainers, Microsoft engineers, and Microsoft MVPs – covering Enterprise Content Management, Power Users, Social SharePoint, Business Value, Implementation/Administration, Office 365, Workflow, Business Intelligence, Special Topics, and SharePoint Development. There are sessions created for SharePoint administrators, software developers, information architects and knowledge workers which will ensure that you and your team walk away with as much knowledge as you desire to truly leverage SharePoint.

Peter Carson from Envision IT will be delivering two sessions. His first session is​ on Branding in SharePoint Online and On Premises​ and the second session is on Extranets in SharePoint On Premises and Office 365​. Check out the Extranet User ​​Manager event page to learn more about the Extranets in SharePoint On-Premises and Office 365 session.

Envision IT and Extranet User Manager are also sponsoring the event​​, so stop by our booth ​and meet the team.

​​Session - Branding​​ in SharePoint Online and On-Premises

Branding of SharePoint is an important topic for most organizations. While we recognize Microsoft's goal of having organizations do minimal branding in order to maintain compatibility with the ever changing world of Office 365, we need to balance that with an organizations desire to have their brand present in their Intranet and collaboration portals.​

We'll start the session with an overview of the approaches to branding in Office 365, and explains the pros and cons of each. We'll also discuss mobile requirements, which should be part of any implementation. The context for these will be both classic and modern pages in Office 365, but the concepts apply to on premise versions as well.

  • Office 365 themes
  • SharePoint themes
  • Alternate CSS
  • JavaScript embed
  • Custom master pages
  • SharePoint Framework

One of the key part of the branding of an Intranet site is the global navigation. Having a consistent navigation throughout the Intranet is an important feature, but something not always easy to do in SharePoint. We'll open the covers on our open source navigation components that makes this much easier, as well as supporting an easy distribution mechanism for the branding elements as a whole throughout a large set of site collections common to most implementations.

The last part of the talk will focus on how to manage the development lifecycle not only of branding projects, but SharePoint development in general. Leveraging patterns from SharePoint Framework with Gulp and spsave, we show how you can keep a local repository in sync with your source control system (TFS or GitHub for example), and have those changes instantly sync up to your SharePoint dev sites for immediate testing. From there we show how to package and deploy those artifacts through PowerShell to your test and production environments in a repeatable manner.

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