Seminar: SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management

​​​ Seminar Series Envision IT is SharePoint 2013 ready 

Web Content Management in ​SharePoint 2013

May 9th, 2013


SharePoint is a powerful web content management platform that gets even better with the 2013 release. ​In this seminar Envision IT explores what's new for SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management . Some of the exciting features we will examine are:

  • Design Manager - Build and manage your branding with any web design tool
  • Channels - Tailor your content to the device or browser
  • Managed Navigation
  • Customizing search with HTML display templates
  • The new Content Search Web Part
  • Image Renditions - Manage your web-friendly images through the browser
  • Cross-Site Publishing - Share your content between Intranet and public website
  • SEO and Analytics Enhancements
  • Improved content author user experience

Christie Medical

We will demonstrate how our clients like Christie Medical have leveraged SharePoint 2013 for managed navigation, enhanced search and effective display of data. We will show you how we upgraded our own Envision IT public website and blog, and you will see examples of sites we have developed in the non-profit, healthcare, retail and manufacturing industries.​



​Microsoft Canada Headquarters
1950 Meadowvale Blvd.
MPR Room (Event Entrance)
Mississauga, ON L5N 8L9


8:30 am - 9:00 am - Registration and breakfast
9:00 am - 11:30 am - Feature presentation
11:30 am - Questions and closing


​No charge, registration is required.

Due to limited capacity we can only accommodate up to 2 attendees per organization.​​

Digital Marketing Suite

  • Custom 404 helps eliminate 404 errors, broken or missing links, and mistyped URLs
  • Video Player streams videos from a variety of sources onto different devices
  • ​Photo Viewer provides a rich interactive experience for viewing photo libraries
  • Image Rotator makes it easy to have home page rotations on your site​

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