Seminar: SharePoint 2013 Web Content Management and Search

Microsoft Canada Headquarters
Seminar Series

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Don't miss this TSPUG meeting orSeminar where Peter Carson will be speaking on Web Content Management as well as Search with a demo of the Envision Shakespeare Company website, which illustrates the new features and capabilities of SharePoint 2013 in the form of a fictitious theatre site. Peter will go through the following key features on the ESC website, demonstrating each component.

  • Adaptive design for PC, tablet, and mobile
  • Populated content including the complete works of Shakespeare
  • Extensive use of catalogs and content search web parts
  • SharePoint search with refiners and preview
  • Image renditions, rotators, and galleries
  • Video support
  • PowerShell build of full site
  • Site columns, content types, and branding with adaptive design packaged in Visual Studio
  • Metadata navigation, friendly URLs, and import/export of the term store

This website is a great tool for illustrating the new aspects of SharePoint 2013 to clients interested in the product, and will be a long-lasting resource for Envision IT. The site is comparable to a real project site and clients will be able to see our process for developing requirements, wireframes, design mock-ups, building, testing, and deployment.

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