Seminar: SharePoint 2010/2013 Web Content Management

​​​​​​ SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2013 

What's New and How Do I Get There?

September 27, 2012​

In this seminar Envision IT explores what's new for SharePoint 2013, particularly as it applies to Web Content Management and upgrading to the new platform from SharePoint 2010. Some of the exciting features we will go over are:

  • Design Manager - Build and manage your branding with any web design tool
  • Channels - Tailor your content to the device or browser
  • Managed Navigation
  • Customizing search with HTML display templates
  • The new Content Search Web Part
  • Image Renditions - Manage your web-friendly images through the browser
  • Cross-Site Publishing - Share your content between Intranet and public website
  • SEO and Analytics Enhancements
  • Improved content author user experience

You will also learn about enhancing the experience in both 2010 and 2013 with our Digital Marketing Suite, Microsoft’s exciting announcements around Azure Media Services and SharePoint on Azure, and how you upgrade your 2010 publishing sites to SharePoint 2013.

Join us at the in-person event at Microsoft's Head Offices in Mississauga or attend the online Webinar.


​2:00 PM - 3:00 ​PM

  • SharePoint Web Content Management
  • ​Introduction to Microsoft SharePoint 2013
  • New Web Content Management functionality in SharePoint 2013
  • Envision IT Digital Marketing Suite - products to enrich your SharePoint experience in 2010 and 2013​

​3:00 P​​M - 3:​15 PM

  • Break

​3:15 P​M - 4:1​5 PM

  • Upgrading a site to SharePoint 2013
  • Windows Azure Media Services - handling high quality media experiences in the cloud
  • Azure hosting for Internet sites: a highly scalable cloud environment

​4:15 PM - ​4:​​30 PM

  • Questions ​and wrap up​​


Digital Marketing Suite​

Discover how our clients have benefited and see examples of sites we have developed in the non-profit, healthcare, retail, insurance and manufacturing industries. We'll show you how the Envision IT Digital Marketing Suite of Products can help elevate your website above the competition.

Digital Marketing Suite

  • Custom 404 helps eliminate 404 errors, broken or missing links, and mistyped URLs
  • Video Player streams videos from a variety of sources onto different devices
  • ​Photo Viewer provides a rich interactive experience for viewing photo libraries
  • Image Rotator makes it easy to have home page rotations on your site

About the Presenter

Peter Carson is the founder and President of Envision IT. A SharePoint MVP, Peter is a recognized expert in SharePoint and Extranet strategies. Within the Microsoft Community, Peter is a partner-evangelist for leading-edge Microsoft Technology. He speaks regularly at SharePoint user group meetings, conferences, Microsoft events such as SharePoint Conference, Convergence, and Tech Days, and local universities. Read Peter's blog.

About En​​vision IT

Envision IT is a Microsoft Gold Partner with ISV and Digital Marketing competencies. Based in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, Envision IT has been delivering SharePoint solutions since SharePoint 2001. With a focus on web content management and Extranets, we have built a suite of products that are ideal for public facing websites, Extranets, and rich Intranets. 

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