Modern WorkPlace Summits Presents: Teams Day Online

Join Extranet User Manager at the Modern Workplace Summit event. This is a free, virtual two-day event on September 30 – October 1, 2020! Featuring experts in Modern Workplace and Microsoft Teams topics. These speakers will introduce you to tips, tricks and tools to boost your organization’s communication, efficiencies, and overall collaboration. The mission of this event is freely share knowledge to build the Global Modern Workplace and Microsoft Teams communities.
Not only are we presenting sessions at the conference, but we're also helping to run the conference with Extranet User Manager. Read our Teams Day Online powered by Extranet User Manager article for the full story.
Peter Carson's Session
Session: Office 365 Extranets - Unstructured and Structured
Office 365 external sharing is all about publishing or collaborating with people outside of your organization. Users will find ways to do it with or without IT support (typically through email or shadow IT), so it's important for IT to provide an easy way for them to do it effectively and securely.
Sharing can be done in a number of different ways. Unstructured sharing to a small set of external users works well with the OOTB SharePoint features. As the scale increases, structured sharing with a large number of external users needs alternatives such as Azure AD B2B, custom code or third party solutions. We'll discuss options available and what makes sense where using real world examples.
Eric Riz's Session
Session: Time Management for the IT Pro: Teams Edition
Today, time management is an elusive goal that the technical community and IT Pro's specifically long to achieve. The textbook process of planning and exercising conscious control of time spent on specific activities has been overtaken by Microsoft Teams and the rampant opportunities to use it.
We have lost a fundamental capability and it is costing businesses millions annually. This failure to communicate has resulted in thousands of hours lost each week, and we are all to blame, This session is designed to institute best practices for Microsoft Teams communication using time efficiently and effectively by giving each person the capability to make SMART choices on spending and managing activities at their own time and expediency.
Attendees will learn to navigate through Microsoft Teams to streamline communications and become productive again. Using SMART (specific, measurable, action-focused, realistic, time-specific) goals, users can take control and make empowered decisions.