Microsoft Office 365 Launch Event

Toronto, ON
Introducing Office 365

Join us at the Launch Event for Microsoft Office 365!

Today, Microsoft® Office is on over a billion PCs around the world and 40 million customers are paying for Microsoft Cloud services, but really, this is just the beginning. Office 365 lets us take our Office suite and all of the servers that go along with it and move those to the cloud with a world-class productivity service. No other online service can provide the rich productivity capabilities of Office 365. The ease of use and depth of services of Office combined with the communication and collaboration capabilities of Microsoft Exchange Online, SharePoint Online and Lync Online deliver incredible benefits for organizations of all sizes.

Please join us, Envision IT, where you can learn more about Office 365. The half-day event begins with an in-depth overview and live demo of our new online service followed by sessions on how to:

  • Build the business case for moving to the cloud
  • More easily deploy advanced collaboration capabilities on top of your existing Exchange-based environment
  • Achieve IT control and efficiency across your cloud and on-premise applications

We look forward to elevating your business’s cloud conversation and helping you guide strategic decisions around your IT and business needs!

Please register early as seating is limited.

Partner Invitation Code: ENV365

Envision IT

Register Now!
Partner Invitation Code: ENV365
Events: 8:00am - 11:45am

Quebec, QC
May 31, 2011

Halifax, NS
June 8, 2011

Toronto, ON
May 31, 2011

Calgary, AB
June 14, 2011

Montreal, QC
June 1, 2011

Edmonton, AB
June 15, 2011

Ottawa, ON
June 2, 2011

Vancouver, BC
June 16, 2011

St. John, NB
June 7, 2011

Questions about the event?
Call us any time at:

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