Laurier Connect Office 365 Portal Webinar

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In this webinar our President Peter Carson, SharePoint MVP, and Andres Diaz, Director of the Project Management Office at Wilfrid Laurier University, will discuss the journey of launching Laurier Connect, the ne​w staff and faculty portal built in SharePoint Online and Office 365. The project kicked off last fall with discovery and planning sessions, the site was built last winter, and the content was created and launched this past May. During this session, we will take you through the full project lifecycle. The deactivation of legacy was completed on October 31 as planned! All units have now transferred their content to one of the three main web properties and the rollout is done.

Professor on Laurier Connect Office 365 Portal

Key features of the new portal include:

  • Rich content and communications platform
  • Live integration of public news articles posted through the Cascade public website content management system
  • Events management integrated through Active Calendar
  • Self-service public publication of documents for reference from research papers, articles, and books authored by Laurier faculty
  • Campus alerts, end user customization and personalization, content authoring enhancements, and more

The result​ is a great looking staff portal accessible on desktop and mobile devices, both on campus and off. Content ownership is being distributed throughout the organization, and early feedback from the launch has been very positive.

To learn more about this project, read the full case study here.​​

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