Envision IT President Speaking at TSPUG on Running Effective Projects in Office 365
Peter Carson, President of Envision IT, will be the featured speaker at the September 16 meeting of the Toronto SharePoint Users Group. The Toronto SharePoint Users Group (TSPUG) launched in 2006 to support the SharePoint community in southern Ontario. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month at MNP (111 Richmond West, Third Floor) in downtown Toronto. Each meeting features a catered social, Q&A, and a featured presentation. All are welcome to this free event.
You can visit the External Collaboration with Office 365 Project Sites Webinar event page for the presentations and recordings for this topic.
Many organizations create project site templates to manage their projects in SharePoint, either online or on premises. However SharePoint is only part of the equation when it comes to collaborating effectively on projects. Office 365 Groups attempt to go further with that, but end up scaling back on what you can do in SharePoint. We've blended the best of both together.
To start with we'll:
- Discuss the appropriate tools to use for different parts of the collaboration story
- SharePoint of course, is ideal for documents, but also structured lists like tasks, issues, risks, or decisions, and unstructured content like Wikis
- Conversations related to the project can be managed in either Office 365 Groups or Yammer, either of which can be embedded right in the SharePoint project site
- Groups have the advantage of also being regular email threads that can include external people
- Exchange is another important piece
- While you can do calendars in SharePoint, people tend to live in Outlook, and being able to invite the project to meetings just like all the other attendees is easily achieved with Office 365 Groups in Exchange
- Delve provides knowledge discovery across all of these tools
- Extranet User Manager allows you to invite external users to participate
- Nintex Forms and Workflows helps glue it all together
This session will cover the following:
- Review of the Projects in Office 365 project sites
- How we extend the Office 365 Groups UI, and also include it in the SharePoint sites
- Build a site creation workflow process to automate the creation of sites and groups in Office 365, project groups in Extranet User Manager, and configure all the permissions
- Using Nintex Forms and Workflows to drive this process
- Inviting external users into the project site with Extranet User Manager
- How to maintain private internal content and project content shared with the external group
- Single sign-on to other project tools outside of Office 365
Unable to make the date? This presentation is also being delivered as a webinar series on the following dates:
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