Envision IT President Speaking at TSPUG February 2010

Toronto, ON

Peter Carson, President of Envision IT, will speak at the next meeting of the Toronto SharePoint User Group (TSPUG) on February 17, 2010. The topic of this month's meeting is Web Content Management with SharePoint 2010. Peter's presentation will provide an overview of WCM in SharePoint (site columns, content types, master pages, and layouts) and will focus on the following:

  • Upgrading an existing MOSS 2007 WCM site to 2010
  • Content database attach upgrade
  • Steps involved in updating a master page to be SP2010 compliant
  • Building a net new SP2010 WCM site
  • Building the site columns, content types, and site structure
  • Creating the master page and layouts in SharePoint Designer
  • Building a custom component in Visual Studio 2010
  • Site deployment

Envision IT is involved in the Rapid Deployment Program (RDP) for SharePoint 2010, and is currently developing three client solutions on SharePoint 2010 as part of this program. Attendees will see first hand examples and demonstrations of SharePoint 2010 sites.

TSPUG is a community group of SharePoint developers, administrators, infrastructure specialists and end users who get together to promote information sharing among members. Anyone is welcome to join or attend monthly meetings.

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