Envision IT President Speaking at TSPUG about Best of SharePoint Conference 2014

Toronto, ON

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Peter Carson, President of Envision IT, and Eli Robillard invite you to the March meeting of TSPUG on Wednesday, March 19 to review the best of SharePoint Conference 2014. Having survived SPC (even the parties almost to the next morning!), Peter and Eli have lots of news to share. Some of the planned highlights include:

  • Oslo
  • The demise of InfoPath and what will fill that
  • Siena
  • Yammer everywhere
  • Office video
  • Power BI
  • Compliance centre
  • Client side dev (REST and Apps)

Links to all the content that is now available on Channel 9 will be provided as part of the presentation which will be available for download after the session.


The Toronto SharePoint Users Group (TSPUG) launched in 2006 to support the SharePoint community in southern Ontario. They meet on the third Wednesday of each month at MNP (111 Richmond W, 3rd Floor) in downtown Toronto . Each meeting features a catered social, Q&A, and a featured presentation. All are welcome to these free events!

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