Envision IT and Valo Office 365 Discovery Breakfast
Join us for breakfast and an informative presentation by Peter Carson - President of Envision IT about the digital transformation path into Office 365. Whether you are in your early stages of learning about the cloud, part way through your migration to Office 365, or are in the cloud and looking to drive further utilization, there is value in understanding the many components of the Office 365 product suite.
If you are heavily invested into on premises, this session will absolutely be of value to bring you up to speed on all the opportunities awaiting in Office 365. If you are progressing through your migration, there are many pieces to the puzzle of Office 365 and it is up to you to determine what you are going to utilize within your organization. Lastly, if you have moved to Office 365 and think you know everything there is to know about Office 365, think again! This suite is constantly being updated with new product enhancements being released monthly. Regardless of where you are in the process, there is value in attending this session, and as a bonus we will make sure you don't return to your organization on an empty stomach!
In addition to exploring the various applications within Office 365, we will dive into a new Envision IT product offering by Valo Solutions called Valo Intranet. Valo Intranet is a modern intranet in a box solution that can be deployed to any SharePoint Online site as well as SharePoint On Premises to provide a fully custom user interface that is branded to your organization. With the product deployed, you have access to a rich platform for all your organizations communication needs including News, Surveys, Employee Blog, Search, Forms, Event Hub, FAQs, etc. We are excited to showcase this product within the discovery workshop and co-host this event with Valo Solutions!
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