Centre for Addiction and Mental Health: Problem Gambling Group
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada's leading addiction and mental health teaching hospital and research facility. CAMH succeeds in transforming the lives of people affected by addiction and mental illness, by applying the latest in scientific advances, through integrated clinical practice, health promotion, education and research. Problem Gambling is an online community supported by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). This web site contains information about problem gambling for individuals concerned about their own, or someone else’s gambling. The website also provides an online space for professionals to exchange knowledge and resources about problem gambling.
I envision... a web portal that builds not just an online community, but fosters a real community of staff, researchers, clients, and their supporters working together and sharing for the common good.
CAMH was looking for a web portal that would encourage users to build an online community. They wanted users to be able to sign up quickly for access to secure resources without placing a large burden on IT. The extranet solution would allow all types of users such as Researchers, Treatment professionals, Provincial partners, Government employees and problem gambling organizations outside Ontario to connect, share their expertise, and learn from others.
When the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health was redesigning their public website, one of their primary goals was to reach out to a disparate group of users. Their first Extranet was Problem Gambling, and is intended for problem gamblers themselves, friends and family, and researchers and health care professionals. The site is available to the general public and contains a wealth of information for anonymous users. With the addition of the Extranet User Manager, the site allows all types of users such as Researchers, Provincial partners, Government employees and problem gambling organizations outside Ontario to self-register and securely log into the site. For certain groups, an account validation process allows them access to private treatment professional resources. The Extranet User Manager provides simpler password changes and retrieval, and easier management of users by non-IT staff.
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