Reporting and Dashboards

Imagine a report that gives you the information you need to make informed and actionable decisions, quickly

From Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) processes that load the data from your disparate line of business systems into a data warehouse to the presentation in Power BI, SharePoint, or Excel, we can support your reporting and dashboard needs.

Envision IT has experience incorporating highly interactive visualizations, reports, scorecards, dashboards, and charts into web applications. Data from ERP systems, CRM systems, databases, and other line of business applications gets mined and transformed, and users can work with the data through familiar tools such as Power BI Desktop and Embedded, as well as Excel or SQL Server Reporting Services.

Use-cases of Power BI Reports and Dashboards we've previously built include:

  • Marketing Analytics Dashboard mashing-up Dynamics 365, Mailchimp, and Teams Live Events Reports to tell a user journey
  • Resource Allocation Report to schedule your resources, forecast future months, and maximize utilization
  • Training and Certifications Dashboard to showcase employees requiring upcoming training
  • Document Download Tracking to showcase portal members that need to download the latest documents
  • Employee Leave Request Report to help management plan for resource constraints